Airport Commission

About the Airport Commission

The Teton Airport Commission was created by joint resolution duly passed and adopted by the County of Teton, City of Choteau, Town of Fairfield and Town of Dutton for the governing and regulation of the airports located in the three respective municipalities.  The Commission is composed of five members, with one elected Chairman and Vice Chairman to serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected and qualified.

The Airport Commission is responsible for all aeronautical activities at Choteau, Fairfield, and Dutton airports and all flying aircraft departing from or arriving at these airports, in the airspace which constitutes the air traffic zones at these airports, and shall conduct in conformity with the current pertinent provisions of the Federal Air Regulations.  The airports lie within the limits of the State of Montana and all laws and regulations of the State shall apply to all activities, construction, traffic, etc.

The airport managers have authority to take such actions as may be necessary to safeguard the public in attendance at the airports. The airport manager may suspend or restrict any or all operations without regard to weather conditions whenever such action is deemed necessary in the interests of safety, reporting such action without delay to the Teton Airport Commission.

Airport Managers

Scapegoat Aviation
Choteau Airport
Phone: 406-590-6430

Mike Campbell
Dutton Airport
Phone: 406-590-2836

Scott Gasvoda
Fairfield Airport
Phone: 406-590-2836

Airport Commission Members

  • Scott Gasvoda, Fairfield Community Member, Chair
  • Charles Hlavac, Choteau Community Member, Vice Chair
  • Dale Schuler, Dutton Community Member
  • Rick Stott, At-Large Member
  • Alan Oborny, At-Large Member
  • Richard Snellman, County Commissioner

Airport Commission Upcoming Meetings and Agendas

The Airport Commission meets the second Tuesday of every month at 5:30 pm.  All Airport Board meetings will be held in the Choteau Airport Pilot’s Lounge unless otherwise posted on the door of the Teton County Courthouse.   All Airport Commission meetings are open to the public.

Airport Commission Agenda 09-10-2024

Airport Commission Meeting Minutes

All Airport Commission Meeting Minutes are available with the Clerk of District Court in the Teton County Courthouse.

Contact Us

If you have questions or comments for the Airport Commission, please contact:
Lisa Sinton, Clerk of Court
Phone: 406-466-2909