Teton County Weather Site
About the Conservation District
The Teton Conservation District was organized in 1947. Prior to that time, a portion of the County was in the Sun River Soil Conservation District. That portion remained in the Sun River District until November 7, 1959. On that date, at the request of both boards of supervisors, the transfer was made, consolidating the entire County into the Teton County Conservation District.
The total area of Teton County is 1,468,160 acres, of which 312,535 acres, or 21% are Federal lands. There are approximately 523,000 acres of cropland, 560,000 acres of range and pasture, and 27,000 acres of forest and woodland.
The District is governed by a board of five supervisors who are elected by county residents, and two Urban supervisors appointed by the City Council. They carry out programs in erosion control, water conservation, soil fertility management and proper land use.
Under State law, they have the power to call upon local, State and Federal agencies to assist in carrying on a soil and water conservation program. The District has memoranda of understanding signed with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Extension Service to provide assistance in carrying out sound soil and water conservation programs.
NRCS assists the District by furnishing and interpreting basic data on soils, plant cover and other features of the land. Technical data are interpreted in terms of acceptable alternative land use and treatment to help guide the farm and ranch operators in developing sound conservation plans. NRCS also aids District cooperators in performing operations requiring technical skills beyond the experience of the individuals involved.
The Extension Service assists the District with its education and information program. An important function of the District is to inform landowners and occupants of the benefits derived from wise use of the soil and water resources in the community. One of the major purposes of the District is to acquaint the urban people, who comprise a large percentage of the total population of the District, with the need for conservation.
Conservation District Administrator
Nancy Moorhouse
Phone: 406-466-5722 ext. 103
Conservation District Board Members
- Ross Salmond
- Clay Crawford
- Dean Pearson
- Vicki Baker
- Mark Larsen
- Spencer Richins
- Tony Clark
- Lee Dahlman, Associate
Conservation District Upcoming Meetings
Monthly board meetings are at 7:15 a.m. on the second Monday of every month except August. Please contact us as meeting locations change monthly. The public is invited to attend.
Contact Us
If you have questions or comments for the Conservation District, please contact:
Nancy Moorhouse, District Administrator
Phone: 406-466-5722 ext. 103