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Fire Services


Teton County Fire Rescue has a priority fire fighting response area of approximately 2293 square miles (1614 sq. miles private, 210 sq miles State and 428 sq. miles National Forest or BLM). Within our fire districts there are 6445 people, of whom 22% are under 14 years of age and 20% are over 65 years of age. We have a population density of 2.8 people per square mile. Within our district there are 2500 residences, 1500 outbuildings, 26 U.S. Air Force Nuclear Missile Launch Sites, and 3 U.S. Air Force Nuclear Missile Control Stations.

County Rural Fire Chief

Ben Rhodes
Phone: 406-466-3406


If you have an emergency, immediately call 911.  All emergencies in Teton County are handled by our 911 system.

Please read the Draft of the Central Montana Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan found here:

MT Central Region HMP DRAFT 4-19-23

and leave your feedback here:

Burn Permits

If you are open burning in Teton County, you must obtain a burn permit from the following sources:

1. Apply online for a burn permit

2. Teton County Clerk & Recorder’s Office

Teton County has adopted an annual fire season and permit ordinance that requires anyone burning in Teton County to obtain a burning permit online for a fee of $10. Any fire, which exceeds 25 square feet, requires activation of the permit online, or by notifying the Teton County Fire Chief or Clerk and Recorder’s Office. Besides Teton County requirements, certain times of year and certain burning is restricted by the State of Montana. To review their requirements check their website:

MT Department of Environmental Quality – Open Burning Information

Fire Organizations

Teton County Fire Fee Service Area

Chairman: Jon Stoltz-Pendroy
Secretary: Alan Peace-Fairfield
Members: Seth Hodgskiss-Choteau; Doug Ulsh-Power;  Jeff Horak-Dutton

Teton County Rural Fire Companies

Choteau Volunteer Fire Company

Chief: Gregg Funk
Business – 4th Tuesday of the month 7:30
Training – 2nd Tuesday 7:00

Dutton Volunteer Fire Company

Chief: Jeff Horak
Business – 2nd Tuesday of the month 7:30
Training – Last Tuesday 7:30

Fairfield Volunteer Fire Company

Chief: Nick Dale
Business – 2nd Tuesday of the month 7:30
Training – 4th Tuesday 7:30

Pendroy Volunteer Fire & Rescue

Chief: Neal Collins
1st Wednesday of the month 7:30

Power Volunteer Fire Company

Chief: Erik Somerfeld
Business – 4th Monday of the month 7:30
Training – 2nd Monday 7:30

Mutual Aid Agreements

Choteau, Fairfield and Dutton are the three incorporated communities within our County. Teton County has one critical access hospital,  three-story retirement complex, four high schools, eight elementary schools, Teton County Courthouse and handicap group home and care facility. The rest of our county consists of frontier agricultural land, pastureland, and National Forest. Our county’s five fire departments have mutual aid response agreements with our four adjoining counties. We also have mutual aid agreement with the State of Montana, U.S. Forest Service, BLM and the U.S. Air Force. Our mutual aid response area is approximately 150 X 150 miles. The weather conditions we experience through out the year are extreme. The temperature can be as high as 110 degrees in the summer and as low as –50 degrees in the winter. Being on the east side of the Rocky Mountain front we experience wind events (Chinook winds) regularly that range from 70 to 140 miles per hour.

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