Teton County Commissioners govern and guide the operations of the county. The Commissioners oversee county departments including: Road, Public Health; Sanitarian; Disaster and Emergency Services; Planning; Weed Control; and Extension as well as other contract services. The Commissioners deliberate on issues affecting Teton County and hold public hearings for official business. The Commissioners also represent the county on other boards. The Commissioners are responsible for producing the annual budget for Teton County.
Teton County Commissioners
Sam Carlson – District 1
Email: scarlson@tetoncountymt.gov
Joe Dellwo – District 2
Email: jdellwo@tetoncountymt.gov
Brian Bedord – District 3
Email: bbedord@tetoncountymt.gov
Contact Us
PO Box 610
Choteau, MT 59422
Phone: 406-466-2151
Fax: 406-466-3244
Commissioner Districts
Commissioners Meetings
The Teton County Commissioners meet regularly on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 10 a.m.
Commissioner Meetings are held in the Teton County Courthouse Conference Room, unless otherwise indicated. Agenda is available on the previous Monday.
For information on current activities of Teton County Government, click on the latest edition of the Choteau Acantha, official newspaper of Teton County.
Beginning February 18th, a representative from the MT Dept of Revenue will be in Choteau and available for community assistance, every 3rd Tuesday of the month from 10am-2pm.